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Law Act on Stalking offences came into force ten years ago: on Monday, March 25, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament Mara Carfagna participates in a seminar at Sant’Anna School

Publication date: 15.03.2019
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Ten years ago, Italy enacted the Law 38/2009 to tackle all forms of harassment including stalking. On Monday, March 25, at 3.00 pm, Sant’Anna School hosts a seminar to explore the history of Stalking law focusing on provisions of legislation from 2009 onward.

The seminar was organized by researchers of the Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute (for Law, Politics and Development), the CUG - Committee for Equal Opportunities of Sant’Anna School in cooperation with the Italian National Association DiRE (Donne in REte contro la violenza) and the association Associazione Casa della Donna – Pisa.

Hon Mara Carfagna, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament, who introduced the Bill, will participate in the seminar with Gaetana Morgante, professor of criminal law at Sant'Anna School and the president of Committee for Equal Opportunities - CUG, Carla Pochini, president of association Associazione Casa della Donna – Pisa,  Anna Loretoni, professor of political philosophy at Sant'Anna School , Francesca Puglisi, former president of Commissione parlamentare di inchiesta sul femminicidio, Elena Biaggioni, of DiRE (Donne in REte contro la violenza) and Francesca Pidone from Centro antiviolenza della Casa della Donna - Pisa.

“Violence against women is a global issue we must deal with in a timely and effective manner- said Anna Loretoni and Gaetana Morgante. Italian Law 38/2009 on stalking offences aims to address all forms of gender-based, domestic violence and femicide. Our seminar focuses on intimate partner violence, stalking, and abuse. We bring together law enforcement representatives, health care professionals, community members and researchers highlighting practices and emerging issues to increase awareness in all of our communities”.

"This highly participative and interactive seminar aims to fill social, cultural and policy gaps - said Carla Pochini, president of the association Casa della donna. We must change harmful attitudes in those areas where stalking and femicide is particularly prevalent”.

Cover photo: Mara Carfagna, vice president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament who introduced the Bill.